Ty's always awake before you on Sundays and she usually has the TV on to boot. Hearing neither instantly tips you off on the fact that something's wrong. When you stumble to your feet you also notice that the curtains are drawn. You go to open them and see that it's dark outside. You look for Ty. She's in the kitchen, digging through the pantry and throwing some of the food into a garbage bag. Jared is resting at her feet. <i>What're you doing?</i> you ask Ty. <i>It's the middle of the night.</i> <i>We need to leave,</i> she says simply. Her voice sounds choked. [[Why?|okayy]] [[Who's Ty?]]You're still half asleep so you don't know whether you're imagining the strain in her voice or not. <i>They caught me when I stole those diapers from the store,</i> Ty says, <i>and they saw my tail, I think. It was on the news a bit ago. They're looking for me.</i> [[Why would they be looking for you?|look]] [[Hold on why does she have a tail?]] Ty is your girlfriend. She's the one that birthed your son. You know very well who she is. [[Is Jared my son then?]]<i>Yes.</i> Enough with the questions. [[Fine.|okayy]]Ty thinks for a moment before speaking again. <i>I think they want to - to test on me or something like that. They called me - ahm - they called me deformed.</i> She pauses again. <i> We'll talk later. We need to get situated.</i> She looks at you. You see that her eyes are red and swollen. She's been crying. <i>I don't know - this is just so sudden. We just need to leave now. You understand, don't you?</i> [[I think I understand.|understand]] [[Why can't we just stay?]]<i>I told you to stop with the questions.</i> Ty doesn't know why she has a tail. You've never known why she has a tail. <i>Nobody knows why she has a tail.</i> [[Sorry.|look]]Neither of you'd ever really had a way with words. There's an awkward pause before Ty steps forward and hugs you. You hug back. For a moment you trick yourself into thinking that everything's gonna be fine. <i>I'm so scared,</i> Ty says weakly. <i>I want my mama to come. Do you want to go get her now? I'll pack your stuff. She's gonna want to come with me.</i> [[Go and tell Maxine that you two are breaking loose.]] [[Stay and pack your things. Maxine can wait.]]This seems to upset Ty. <i>Why would you want to stay here?</i> she screams at you, and you see Jared start awake out of the corner of your eye. <i>They're gonna find me if we stay here - take me away -</i> [[Okay, okay. Sorry.|understand]] [[We can't just leave.]]Ty leaves the kitchen to get you the key to Maxine's apartment. You lean and pet Jared while opening the garbage bag Ty had just been piling food into. It seems like she's gathering stuff for you two to eat. You suddenly feel terrified. When Ty returns you offer to take Jared with you to Maxine's and back, just so she can focus on packing. <i>Be careful with him,</i> she says in response. The apartment hall is cold and smells a little funny, as it always does. You realize this is one of the last times you'll walk this hallway. Something in your chest tightens. Maxine's apartment is a few floors up. When you reach her number, you decide to rap on the door a little, making sure whether she might be awake before you let yourself in. After a couple minutes, several more knocks and one singular burp from Jared, there's no answer. [[Unlock the door.]]You start packing everything you can fit into the suitcase and two backpacks shared between Ty and yourself. You both talk about the near future. Ty begins to cry at one point. You stop for a minute to hold her in your lap. You cry with her. You're leaving behind an apartment, a job, friends, a vast majority of your belongings. Basically everything. <i>What are we going to do once we're out of here?</i> you say eventually. Ty doesn't answer.<i>Why not?</i> Ty screams back. She's starting to get really angry. You think to yourself that Ty needs to quiet down. Jared is beginning to cry. The apartments next to yours might hear, anyways. [[We're leaving everything behind.]]Ty doesn't have a response at first. She stares at you for a moment and looks down at her son, thinking. Jared is squirming and mewling on the floor. <i>We -</i> she begins, but cuts herself off and starts breathing slowly, heavily. Trying to keep calm. You notice her start to run her hands through her hair, something you've only seen her do a handful of times on a whim. Probably a nervous habit. <i>I don't know. I'm on records. I've been caught stealing before.</i> She squats and starts to comfort her son. Jared continues to cry, but after a minute he settles down. You stand and watch, not knowing what else to do. This has all hit you as hard and suddenly as a freight train. <i>Sorry for yelling,</i> Ty says after Jared's been settled down. <i>We just need to leave now. Please.</i> [[I guess we have no choice, then.|understand]]You wake to the sweet, terrifying sound of nothing. [[What?|RUN]]The key is sticky, so it takes a couple tries and a little shoving to get the door open. When you enter you find Maxine's wheelchair vacant in the living room. It isn't long before you find her on the couch, sleeping next to Elizabeth. Both of them are topless. Walking in on your girlfriend's mother without a shirt hadn't been something you'd expected. You're about to go and look for something to cover them with when Maxine stirs. <i>Oh,</i> you hear her choke, and she fumbles in the darkness to cover her and her partner's chests. <i>Elliot, is that you-?</i>